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There's An End To This

There's a time for everyone, & today I think mine has come
My luck's gonna change now I can feel it, & when it comes 'round,
I'll be ready

Cause there's an end to this, it can't go on forever, nothing ever does

Here in this half-light, all my half lies will pass as the whole truth,
Or at least as I prefer to see it
The tide is gonna turn, the tide has got to turn

Cause there's an end to this, it can't go on forever,
Nothing ever does


Quiet & Still - Track 6

‘Everything's Perfect’ was about a really really dear friend of mine in Norway who killed herself. And it's sort of how she felt, she was suffering cancer and stuff. And basically she didn't want to live. Sort of talking to her about it…sorry it's so depressing…
